Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june

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Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june
Plymouth, Saturday, the 16th of june

Samedi, c'est le week-end qui commence à Plymouth. 

Nous prenons le water taxi pour rejoindre le centre de Plymouth et son marché couvert : the Plymouth Market. Nous y menons une enquête auprès des commerçants pour savoir ce qu'ils vendent. Nous sommes par équipe de 5. Nous avons ensuite un temps pour y faire quelques achats en tout genre à rapporter avec nous en France : collier, bracelet, savon, maillot de foot, petite radio, sac à dos .... tout ce que l'on peut imaginer y trouver.

Puis, nous rejoignons le Hoe, une grande étendue d'herbe autour de la Smeaton Tower, phare emblématique de la ville, que nous visitons dans l'après-midi.

Les Beatles ont posé sur le Hoe il y a des années. Alors, les touristes que nous sommes, prennent la pose comme eux.

Nous terminons la journée par un magasin de souvenirs avant de reprendre le water taxi pour rentrer au centre.

La soirée passe vite : repas, carnet de voyage, douche et il est déjà presque l'heure de se coucher.

Bon dimanche à tous et à toutes

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